Make a Booking
Please submit the online booking form by 31March 2017.
The following must be furnished at the time of your booking:
- Organization’s Name
- Contact Person
- Contact Person’s Email
- Contact Person’s Phone
- Symposia to Support
- 100-word writeup for programme book
- Logo (jpeg format, minimum 300 dpi)
- Payment Method
- Billing Instruction
- You will receive an acknowledgement upon successful submission of your booking form
- An invoice will be prepared and send to you within three (03) working days after receipt of your booking form
- Booking will only be confirmed upon receipt of full payment
- Full payment is epected within 30 days from date of invoice
- Booth selection will be on a first-paid-first-served basis
Questions? Please contact:
ICMAT 2017 Secretariat
Tel: +65 6900 7183