9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies

ICMAT 2017 | 18 - 23 June 2017 | Suntec Singapore


 Abstract Submission

Submission Closed (1 March 2017, 12 noon, Singapore Time)

Acceptance Notification >> all review decisions have been notified (as at 15 March 2017)

Authors who did not receive the notification email should check their SPAM folder as the email may have ended up there.  Alternatively, login to your account to see the review decision posted on your account.


Author Registration Deadline* >> 31 March 2017
* All authors who are presenting at the conference will have to complete the registration and payment latest by 31 March 2017, in order for their presentation to be scheduled in the conference programme.

NOTE to authors requesting for invitation /acceptance letter:
As mentioned under point 2(A) of the acceptance email notice, authors can download their acceptance/invitation letter directly from their user account. Simply login to the account you had used to submit the abstract, on the overview page, look for the link to download the letter.
Co-authors who require the letter need to first sign up for a user account, using the same email account indicated in the original abstract submission, before they can download the letter from their user account

Submission Guidelines

Step 1: Get ready your abstract

Please prepare the abstract in TEXT format only, with a maximum of 300 words.  This can later be copied & pasted from your text document onto the online submission form.

Please also have the list of author(s), their organizations/affiliations and email addresses on hand, as you will need to enter them into the corresponding data field on the online submission form.


Step 2: Create an online account

Click on the “Submit Abstract” button below.

You will be brought to the online submission page, where you can sign up for an online account to submit your abstract. This will be the same account you can use to register and make payment for the conference later.


Step 3: Login to account

After your online account is created, you may proceed with the submission of your abstract(s).

On the overview page, click on the symposium you wish to participate and follow the on-screen instructions to submit your abstract(s).


  • Users can submit multiple abstracts under one account but each registration fee covers a maximum of TWO (02) presentations (oral/poster)
  • Each registrant can make up to TWO (02) presentations (either oral or poster) at the conference.
  • For registration fee & details, please visit >> REGISTER – Fees & Payment page

Acceptance Notification >> from 20 February to 05 March 2017 (in batches)

Author Registration Deadline* >> 31 March 2017  

* All authors who are presenting at the conference will have to complete the registration and payment latest by 31 March 2017, in order for their presentation to be scheduled in the conference programme.