Symposium Scope
The wide bandgap semiconductors have attracted considerable attention in solid state lighting and high power electronics. Beside UV-visible light emitting diodes and blue lasers, nitride-based compound semiconductor material systems are currently explored for widespread applications in UV and extreme-UV detectors and emitters. With the perspective of significant reduction of energy consumption, more power, more frequency bands, better linearity, and improved efficiency are driving the current developments of III-nitride devices capable of handling all these specifications at a reasonable price. Beside nitrides, new trends on SiC-based compound semiconductors show research and development toward robust extreme high power electronics toward automotive and aerospace applications.
Recent R & D trends shows emerging applications using hybrid junctions such as graphene and 2D layered materials with III-Vs, BN/GaN systems, and novel nanostructures of such wide band materials. In addition, diamond has recently shown remarkable potential toward applications in photonics, spintronics, quantum cryptography, and quantum information processing. New areas like inter-subband devices and microcavity-based devices exploiting polaritons have increased the versatility of such wide bandgap semiconductors.
The scope of this symposium will focus on all aspects of wide bandgap optoelectronics including epitaxial growth, material characterization, and device processing, and new emerging applications of these material systems.
- Epitaxy, characterization, and processing of III-nitride layers
- High-power, high-frequency, electronics and light-emitting devices and detectors
- Novel device concepts of hybrid III-nitride/2D semiconductor junctions
- Wideband gap nanostructures and applications in lighting/detection/sensing
- AlN, SiC, ZnO, and BN-based materials and technologies
- Diamond-based Nanophotonics and Spintronics
Proceedings Publication
Papers reviewed and presented at this symposium will be published in Procedia Engineering by Elsevier.
Igor AHARONOVICH, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
S. BALAKUMAR, University of Madras, India
Frank BERTRAM, OvG University, Germany
Michel BOSMAN, Institute of Materials Research & Engineering, A*STAR, Singapore
Yilmaz DIKME, AIXaTECH, Germany
Izabella GRZEGORY, Unipress, Poland
Jung HAN, Yale University, USA
Masataka HIGASHIWAKI, Ntl. Inst. of Information & Communications Technology, Japan
Francesca IACOPI, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Hidetoshi ISHIDA, Panasonic Corporation, Japan
Suraj KHANNA, National Physical Laboratory, India
Akito KURAMATA, Novel Crystal, Japan
Xiaohang LI, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Elison MATIOLI, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Brett NENER, The University of Western Australia, Australia
Dharmarasu NETHAJI, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
K. RADHAKRISHNAN, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Shyama RATH, University of Delhi, India
Rajendra SINGH, IIT Delhi, India
Bo SHEN, Peking University, China
Samuel SONDEREGGER, Attolight, Switzerland
André STRITTMATTER, OVG University, Germany
Maki SUEMITSU, Tohoku University, Japan
Giovanni VERZELLESI, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Patrick WALTEREIT, Fraunhofer IAF Freiburg, Germany
Tim WERNICKE, TU-Berlin, Germany